

Our Mission

Our club serves as a forum for like-minded neighbors to engage in the political process. Through our meetings, club members discuss the issues facing our community and beyond.

Strengthening the Hightstown Community 

Hightstown is a small community that greatly benefits from local volunteerism. The Hightstown Democratic Club educates its members on the function of local government, while keeping members informed of opportunities to put their knowledge to use. Members who attend our meetings gain a deeper understanding of local, county, and state political issues that may impact our Borough.

Members are also encouraged to share what they learn with friends and neighbors. Those seeking greater involvement are encouraged to take on community service, aid in planning of local events, and serve on committees. 

Growing Future Democratic Leaders, Right Here in Hightstown 

Everyone starts somewhere, and a future political leader may already live in our community. The Hightstown Democratic Club provides support to those advancing Democratic values at the local level and above. Perhaps one day, a state or federal leader will call Hightstown home!

Club Officers

Our club is led by the following officers, elected by the club membership each January to serve one-year terms:

Joe Cicalese


Matt Morgan

Vice President

Cristina Fowler

Corresponding Secretary

Michele Epstein

Recording Secretary

Fred Montferrat


Jeet Gulati

Segreant at Arms


Hightstown Borough

Looking for more information on the Borough of Hightstown? Visit the official website for important services, events, and prior meeting minutes.

The Mercer County Democratic Committee

Hightstown Democratic voters elect eight committee members to Mercer County's Democratic Committee. Learn more about MCDC here.